Now showing items 216-235 of 437

    • Lattice Paths 

      Ali, Irha (University of Waterloo, 2022-08-24)
      This thesis is a survey of some of the well known results in lattice path theory. Chapter 1 looks into the history of lattice paths. That is, when it began and how it was popularized. Chapter 3 focuses on general lattices ...
    • Learning Quantum States Without Entangled Measurements 

      Lowe, Angus (University of Waterloo, 2021-10-22)
      How many samples of a quantum state are required to learn a complete description of it? As we will see in this thesis, the fine-grained answer depends on the measurements available to the learner, but in general it is at ...
    • A Linear Algebraic Method on the Chromatic Symmetric Function 

      Haithcock, Evan (University of Waterloo, 2023-08-28)
      The Stanley-Stembridge conjecture is a longstanding conjecture that has evaded proof for nearly 30 years. Concerned with the e-basis expansions of the chromatic symmetric functions of unit-interval graphs, this conjecture ...
    • Linear Programming Tools and Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization 

      Pritchard, David (University of Waterloo, 2010-01-05)
      We study techniques, approximation algorithms, structural properties and lower bounds related to applications of linear programs in combinatorial optimization. The following "Steiner tree problem" is central: given a graph ...
    • Linearly-dense classes of matroids with bounded branch-width 

      Hill, Owen (University of Waterloo, 2017-09-27)
      Let $M$ be a non-empty minor-closed class of matroids with bounded branch-width that does not contain arbitrarily large simple rank-$2$ matroids. For each non-negative integer $n$ we denote by $ex(n)$ the size of the ...
    • The Linkage Problem for Group-labelled Graphs 

      Huynh, Tony (University of Waterloo, 2009-09-24)
      This thesis aims to extend some of the results of the Graph Minors Project of Robertson and Seymour to "group-labelled graphs". Let $\Gamma$ be a group. A $\Gamma$-labelled graph is an oriented graph with its edges labelled ...
    • List 3-Coloring Graphs with No Induced P6+rP3 

      Chudnovsky, Maria; Huang, Shenwei; Spirkl, Sophie; Zhong, Mingxian (Springer Nature, 2021-01-01)
      For an integer t, we let Pt denote the t-vertex path. We write H+G for the disjoint union of two graphs H and G, and for an integer r and a graph H, we write rH for the disjoint union of r copies of H. We say that a graph ...
    • List 3-coloring Pt-free graphs with no induced 1-subdivision of K1,s 

      Chudnovsky, Maria; Spirkl, Sophie; Zhong, Mingxian (Elsevier, 2020-11)
      Let s and t be positive integers. We use Pt to denote the path with t vertices and K1,s to denote the complete bipartite graph with parts of size 1 and s respectively. The one-subdivision of K1,s is obtained by replacing ...
    • List colouring hypergraphs and extremal results for acyclic graphs 

      Pei, Martin (University of Waterloo, 2008-05-21)
      We study several extremal problems in graphs and hypergraphs. The first one is on list-colouring hypergraphs, which is a generalization of the ordinary colouring of hypergraphs. We discuss two methods for determining the ...
    • The Local Chromatic Number 

      Osang, Georg Fritz (University of Waterloo, 2014-01-23)
      A graph vertex colouring is called k-local if the number of colours used in the closed neighbourhood of each vertex is at most k. The local chromatic number of a graph is the smallest k for which the graph has a proper ...
    • Local Perspectives on Planar Colouring 

      Smith-Roberge, Evelyne (University of Waterloo, 2022-08-09)
      In 1994, Thomassen famously proved that every planar graph is 5-choosable, resolving a conjecture initially posed by Vizing and, independently, Erdos, Rubin, and Taylor in the 1970s. Later, Thomassen proved that every ...
    • Local properties of graphs with large chromatic number 

      Davies, James (University of Waterloo, 2022-08-31)
      This thesis deals with problems concerning the local properties of graphs with large chromatic number in hereditary classes of graphs. We construct intersection graphs of axis-aligned boxes and of lines in $\mathbb{R}^3$ ...
    • Local Structure for Vertex-Minors 

      McCarty, Rose (University of Waterloo, 2021-10-12)
      This thesis is about a conjecture of Geelen on the structure of graphs with a forbidden vertex-minor; the conjecture is like the Graph Minors Structure Theorem of Robertson and Seymour but for vertex-minors instead of ...
    • Low-Rank Plus Sparse Decompositions of Large-Scale Matrices via Semidefinite Optimization 

      Gong, Rui (University of Waterloo, 2023-05-19)
      We study the problem of decomposing a symmetric matrix into the sum of a low-rank symmetric positive semidefinite matrix and a tridiagonal matrix, and a relaxation which looks for symmetric positive semidefinite matrices ...
    • LP-based Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem 

      Blanco Sandoval, Marco David (University of Waterloo, 2012-05-18)
      The capacitated facility location problem is a well known problem in combinatorial optimization and operations research. In it, we are given a set of clients and a set of possible facility locations. Each client has a ...
    • MAC Constructions: Security Bounds and Distinguishing Attacks 

      Mandal, Avradip (University of Waterloo, 2007-05-18)
      We provide a simple and improved security analysis of PMAC, a Parallelizable MAC (Message Authentication Code) defined over arbitrary messages. A similar kind of result was shown by Bellare, Pietrzak and Rogaway at ...
    • Machine-Level Software Optimization of Cryptographic Protocols 

      Fishbein, Dieter (University of Waterloo, 2014-04-30)
      This work explores two methods for practical cryptography on mobile devices. The first method is a quantum-resistant key-exchange protocol proposed by Jao et al.. As the use of mobile devices increases, the deployment of ...
    • MacLane's Theorem for Graph-Like Spaces 

      Rooney, Brendan (University of Waterloo, 2008-09-12)
      The cycle space of a finite graph is the subspace of the edge space generated by the edge sets of cycles, and is a well-studied object in graph theory. Recently progress has been made towards extending the theory of cycle ...
    • The Master Equality Polyhedron: Two-Slope Facets and Separation Algorithm 

      Wang, Xiaojing (University of Waterloo, 2015-08-11)
      This thesis presents our findings about the Master Equality Polyhedron (MEP), an extension of Gomory's Master Group Polyhedron. We prove a theorem analogous to Gomory and Johnson's two-slope theorem for the case of the ...
    • The Matching Augmentation Problem: A 7/4-Approximation Algorithm 

      Dippel, Jack (University of Waterloo, 2019-05-23)
      We present a 7/4 approximation algorithm for the matching augmentation problem (MAP): given a multi-graph with edges of cost either zero or one such that the edges of cost zero form a matching, find a 2-edge connected ...


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