Assessment of Germanane Field-Effect Transistors for CMOS Technology

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Zhao, Yiju
Almutairi, Abdulaziz
Yoon, Youngki


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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Using self-consistent atomistic quantum transport simulations, the device characteristics of n-type and p-type germanane (GeH) field-effect transistors (FETs) are evaluated. While both devices exhibit near-identical off-state characteristics, n-type GeH FET shows ~40% larger on current than the p-type counterpart, resulting in faster switching speed and lower power-delay product. Our benchmark of GeH FETs against similar devices based on 2D materials reveals that GeH outperforms MoS2 and black phosphorus in terms of energy-delay product (EDP). In addition, the performance of GeH-based CMOS circuit is analyzed using an inverter chain. By engineering power supply voltage and threshold voltage simultaneously, we find the optimal operating condition of GeH FETs, minimizing EDP in the CMOS circuit. Our comprehensive study including material parameterization, device simulation, and circuit analyses demonstrates significant potential of GeH FETs for 2D-material CMOS circuit applications.


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2D-material CMOS circuit applications, black phosphorus, CMOS circuit, CMOS integrated circuits, CMOS technology, device simulation, elemental semiconductors, energy-delay product, field effect transistors, GeH-based CMOS circuit, Germanane, germanium compounds, Integrated circuit modeling, inverter chain, inverter chain, lower power-delay product, material parameterization, molybdenum compounds, MOS devices, MoS2, n-type GeH FET, n-type germanane field-effect transistors, off-state characteristics, p-type germanane field-effect transistors, Performance evaluation, power supply voltage, power-delay product, quantum transport, self-consistent atomistic quantum transport simulations, Semiconductor device modeling, Semiconductor device modeling, Switches, threshold voltage

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