Distributed Robust Vehicle State Estimation

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Hashemi, Ehsan
Pirani, Mohammad
Fidan, Baris
Khajepour, Amir
Chen, Shih-Ken
Litkouhi, Baktiar


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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


A distributed estimation approach based on opinion dynamics is proposed to enhance the reliability of vehicle corners’ velocity estimates, which are obtained by an unscented Kalman filter. The corners’ estimates from a Kalman observer, which is formed by integrating the model-based and kinematic-based velocity estimation approaches, are utilized as opinions with different levels of confidence in the developed algorithm. More reliable estimates robust to disturbances and time delay are achieved via solving a convex optimization problem. Road tests confirm the robustness of the methods independent of the powertrain configuration on surfaces with various friction conditions in pure and combined-slip maneuvers, which are arduous for the current vehicle state estimators.


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Opinion dynamics, Distributed estimation, Unscented Kalman filter, Robust observer design

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