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Effect of Bezel Presence and Width on Visual Search

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Wallace, James R.
Vogel, Daniel
Lank, Edward


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Association for Computing Machinery


We investigate how the presence and width of interior bezels impacts visual search performance across tiled displays. In spite of a potential benefit from structured segmentation, we do not find significant differences in visual search time, and note a small effect size of less than 0.5% for bezel width. However, we find participants are more accurate when searching for targets spanning a bezel. Based on these findings, we suggest two implications for the design of tiled displays: 1) that additional costs associated with thinner bezels may not provide significant return on investment; and 2) that bezels may act as visual anchors, and be useful for the placement of interface elements.


© The Authors, 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in PerDis '14 Proceedings of The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays , June 2014


Bezels Design, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Human Factors, Measurement, Perception, Tiled Displays, Visual Search

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