A longitudinal evaluation of food safety knowledge and attitudes among Ontario high school students following a food handler training program

dc.contributor.authorMajowicz, Shannon
dc.contributor.authorHammond, David
dc.contributor.authorDubin, Joel A.
dc.contributor.authorDiplock, Kenneth
dc.contributor.authorJones-Bitton, Andria
dc.contributor.authorRebellato, Steven
dc.contributor.authorLeatherdale, Scott T.
dc.descriptionThe final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.01.011 © 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/en
dc.description.abstractYouth are a unique audience for food safety education, in part due to low food safety knowledge. Although the effectiveness of such education has been explored for primary school and college students, no studies have assessed effectiveness among high school students specifically. We conducted a longitudinal intervention study in Ontario, Canada, between February and May 2015, to measure the baseline food safety knowledge and attitudes of high school students (n=119; from 8 classes in 4 high schools), and determine whether these factors improved following in-class delivery of a provincial standardized food handler training program. Linear mixed effects regression models were used to model within-student changes in knowledge scores and attitudes over time (i.e., circa 2 and 12 weeks post-intervention), and to investigate associations with student characteristics. At baseline, knowledge and attitudes were poor. Following training, overall knowledge was significantly greater than at baseline, although at three months post-intervention only knowledge of safe times and temperatures for cooking and storing food remained significantly higher than baseline. Following training, students were significantly less interested in learning about how to avoid foodborne disease. Other attitudes, as well as knowledge of cross-contamination prevention and disinfection procedures, remained unchanged. These findings suggest that delivering existing food handler training programs within high schools may be a feasible mechanism for food safety educators to improve students’ food safety knowledge, both overall and specific to safe times and temperatures, albeit potentially for short timeframes. Whether knowledge continues to decline beyond three months after training bears further investigation. As well, future research to investigate how students’ actual food safety practices may change following such training, and whether improvements in knowledge translate into reduced foodborne disease risk, is warranted.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOntario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' Food Safety Research Program || FS2013-1843 Canadian Institutes of Health Research || OOP-110788 Canadian Institutes of Health Research || MOP-114875 Additional support was provided via CIHR Public Health Agency of Canada Chairs in Applied Public Health (D. Hammond, S. Leatherdale).en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectfood safetyen
dc.subjectfoodborne diseaseen
dc.subjectfood handler trainingen
dc.titleA longitudinal evaluation of food safety knowledge and attitudes among Ontario high school students following a food handler training programen
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMajowicz S.E., Hammond D., Dubin J.A., Diplock K.J., Jones-Bitton A., Rebellato S. & Leatherdale S.T., A longitudinal evaluation of food safety knowledge and attitudes among Ontario high school students following a food handler training program, Food Control (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.01.011.en
uws.contributor.affiliation1Faculty of Applied Health Sciencesen
uws.contributor.affiliation2Public Health and Health Systems (School of)en


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