Too Many Logoi: The Role of Logoi Within Proclus' System
Paolini, Lucas
Feke, Jacqueline
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University of Waterloo
The purpose of the present study is to understand the role of logoi within Proclus’ metaphysical system. Much of the scholarship on Proclus has largely left the topic of logoi to the side, leaving the understanding of the principle ambiguous. The study aims to show that to fully understand Proclus’ metaphysical system a better understanding of the logoi and their role within the system needs to be done. By showing how the logoi participate in the realms of Being and Becoming as well as showing their impact on causality and the World Soul, one begins to see the importance the principle has for Proclus’ epistemology and ontology. Without the logoi the metaphysical system of Proclus would be incomplete, making the principle integral to understanding Proclus.
proclus, world soul, logoi, timaeus, epistemology, ontology