Geo-Phisher: The Design and Evaluation of Information Visualizations about Internet Phishing Trends
Zhang-Kennedy, Leah
Fares, Elias
Chiasson, Sonia
Biddle, Robert
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We designed an information visualization about phishing trends and phishing prevention for the general public to examine the effects of interactivity on information finding, user perceptions and security behaviour intentions, and effectiveness of learning. In an user study (N = 30) with two experimental conditions (HI - high interactivity, and LO - low interactivity control condition), the results show that the HI interactivity condition supported more accurate information finding, resulted in greater perceived interactivity and perceived knowledge than the LO interactivity condition, but did not affect attitudes toward the visualization and security behaviour intentions for proactive awareness. Furthermore, the HI interactivity condition led to greater learning effects and a deeper understanding towards phishing prevention than the control condition.
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phishing trends, phishing prevention, learning effects