Using Very High Resolution Remotely Piloted Aircraft Imagery to Map Peatland Vegetation Composition and Configuration Patterns within an Elevation Gradient
Iljas, Tanya
Robinson, Derek
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University of Waterloo
GIS has developed over the decades from theory to highly accurate scientific observation using
satellites that provide high resolution imagery. Over the last decade drones have been
introduced to the world of GIS and have been able to overcome some of the issues present in
satellite and aerial imagery such as lower resolution for smaller objects and temporal
constraints. My thesis aims to explore how accurately RPAS can identify vegetation
communities classed by morphological structure when compared to ground based vegetation
surveys in peatlands in Alberta. The wetland sites are situated across subregions that are
currently not mapped by the Alberta Merged Wetland Inventory. Our research aims to answer
the following questions: 1) assess at how differing image resolution (2 cm and 3 cm) influence
the ability to identify morphologically functional classes within the RPAS imagery. 2) test the
accuracy at which different morphological functional trait classes of vegetation could be digitized
from remotely sensed imagery, highlight which classes had the highest and lowest accuracy
and try to explain why. 3) Investigate if RPAS can be used to map out vegetation
composition and configuration to replace ground based surveys. 4) Determine across an
elevation gradient within the subregion groups (subalpine, montane and upper foothills) if there
are any significant landscape metrics patterns that change across these subregions using
elevation as a controlling variable. Flights were conducted with RPAS to collect imagery with a
resolution of 2 cm and 3 cm then classified into digitized classes that represent the
morphological structure of different vegetation across 18 peatland. 13 different features were
classified in the 18 peatlands. All 18 peatland boundaries were delineated using slope, which
removed classes such as roads, objects, culverts, and bridges. The delineated peatlands were
then run through a landscape metric package in R to determine spatial patterns of vegetation at
both landscape and class level. Landscape Metrics revealed composition and configuration
characteristics that were significant when plotted against elevation for landscape level metrics.
Replication of the results once accuracy has been increased using either higher resolution
imagery or other sensors to determine validity of the results is needed.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft