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Investigating the Impact of “other foods” on Aboriginal Children’s Dietary Intake Using the Healthy Eating Index – Canada (HEI-C)

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Chard, Megan


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University of Waterloo


Introduction: The high prevalence of obesity in Aboriginal Canadian youth is a major public health concern. Although little is known about the diets of children on-reserve, it is hypothesized that high intake of low nutrient dense foods has a negative impact on overall diet quality. Objectives: To describe the dietary quality of First Nation students using a Canadian adaptation of the Healthy Eating Index (HEI-C) and determine the relationships between HEI-C and BMI, intake of non-food group (“other”) foods, game consumption, frequency of eating outside the home and remoteness (latitude, °N). Methods: Between 2004-2009, from a 24 h dietary recall data were obtained using a validated web-based food behaviour questionnaire, from students in grades 6,7 & 8 from the First Nations communities of Georgina Island, Christian Island, Fort Albany, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck, Moose Factory, Kashechewan and Ouje-Bougoumou (Quebec). HEI-C was assessed as good (81-100), needs improvement (51-80) or poor (0-50). Results: Mean community HEI-C scores ranged from 57.38-70.04, with differences by community (p=0.027) and season (p=0.007); more northerly communities seemed to have lower HEI-C scores and fall seemed to have higher HEI-C scores compared to winter and spring. A non-significant negative correlation between BMI and HEI-C was observed (r=-0.107, NS). As percent energy from ‘other foods’ increased, the HEI-C score tended to decrease. Game consumption appeared to contribute to higher HEI-C scores. Eating outside the home did not seem to affect HEI-C. Conclusions: Poor diet quality in remote on-reserve youth populations is a concern. Lack of consistent access to healthy foods may have a negative impact on diet quality. Programs that help improve the provision of healthy foods, decrease the intake of “other foods” and that emphasize game may help to improve diet quality.



Aboriginal Children, nutrition

LC Subject Headings
