Modelling Quantum Well Lasers
Weetman, Philip
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University of Waterloo
In this thesis, two methods to model quantum well lasers will be examined. The first model is based on well-known techniques to determine some of the spectral and dynamical properties of the laser. For the spectral properties, an expression for TE and TM modal amplitude gain is derived. For the dynamical properties, the rate equations are shown. The spectral and dynamical properties can be examined separately for specific operating characteristics or used in conjunction with each other for a complete description of the laser. Examples will be shown to demonstrate some of the analysis and results that can be obtained.
The second model used is based on Wigner functions and the quantum Boltzmann equation. It is derived from general non-equilibrium Greens functions with the application of the Kadanoff-Baym ansatz. This model is less phenomenological than the previous model and does not require the separation of physical processes such as the former spectral and dynamical properties. It therefore has improved predictive power for the performance of novel laser designs. To the Author's knowledge, this is the first time such a model has been formulated. The quantum Boltzmann equations will be derived and some calculations will be performed for a simplified system in order to illustrate some calculation techniques as well as results that can be obtained.
Physics & Astronomy, Wigner functions, Quantum Boltzmann Equation, Quantum Well Lasers