Sharing Play Spaces: Design Lessons from Reddit Posts Showing Virtual Reality in the Home

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Association for Computing Machinery


With the increasing availability of consumer virtual reality (VR) devices for personal and recreational use, the domestic contexts of VR design are increasingly important. Given that much of the current interaction design research for VR is conducted in lab-based settings, there is a need for design considerations that engage with the complexities of these real-world spaces. We present an analysis of visual data (e.g., GIFs, videos, photographs) collected from a manual search of Reddit posts that show “play spaces” and other home-based contexts of VR. Our findings offer insight into the diverse and dynamic characteristics of VR spaces, with set-ups ranging from bedrooms to garages, and with the people, objects, impediments, and affordances of individual spaces demonstrating a variety of ways that VR is used in the home. We conclude by discussing directions for future interaction design research that seeks to incorporate physical actions and environments while also engaging with the complex realities of domestic VR.


© Harley, D. & MacArthur, C. | ACM (2023). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version of this version was published in DIS 2023:


virtual reality, domestic, home, interaction design, social, play, visual analysis, Reddit

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