Differentiable Curl-Noise: Boundary-Respecting Procedural Incompressible Flows Without Discontinuities

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Ding, Xinwen
Batty, Christopher


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Association for Computing Machinery


We present Differentiable Curl-Noise, a C1 procedural method to animate strictly incompressible fluid flows in two dimensions. While both the original Curl-Noise method of Bridson et al. [2007] and a recent modification by Chang et al. [2022] have been used to design incompressible flow fields, they often suffer from non-smoothness in their handling of obstacles, owing in part to properties of the underlying Euclidean distance function or closest point function. We therefore propose a differentiable scheme that modulates the background potential in a manner that respects arbitrary solid simple polygonal objects placed at any location, without introducing discontinuities. We demonstrate that our new method yields improved flow fields in a set of two dimensional examples, including when obstacles are in close proximity or possess concavities.


© Xinwen Ding and Christopher Batty | ACM (2023). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3585511.


procedural animation, incompressible flow, fluids, differentiability, vector field design

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