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Academic Librarians and Systematic Reviews: an emerging role in the social sciences

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Stapleton, Jackie
Brown, Sarah

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This conference presentation was delivered at CAPAL Conference on May 31, 2017, Toronto, Ontario. Abstract: Systematic review support is expanding beyond health and medical librarianship. The rise of knowledge translation in the social sciences has resulted in a corresponding increase in the number and type of review studies conducted by researchers and supported by granting agencies such as SSHRC. Academic librarians in the social sciences are poised to position themselves as collaborators in the research process, providing guidance and bringing valuable expertise to the research team. Relating from personal experiences, the speakers will address three points related to systematic reviews in the social sciences: 1) Role of the librarian on a systematic review project; 2) Professional expectations including authorship and adherence to systematic search/reporting standards; 3) Specific challenges faced by the social sciences librarian.



Academic libraries, Emerging roles, Systematic review, Systematic search, Social Sciences Librarian

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