The Religious, Spiritual, Secular And Social Landscapes of The Pacific Northwest – Part 1
Wilkins-Laflamme, Sarah
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This report stems from the SSHRC funded research project Religion, Spirituality, Secularity and Society in the Pacific Northwest, led by principal investigator Paul Bramadat in partnership with the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria, Trinity Western University and the University of Waterloo. Dr. Wilkins-Laflamme conducted secondary statistical analyses with existing survey data from British Columbia as well as the US states of Washington and Oregon (and at times the entire US Pacific Census and West regions out of necessity) in order to begin addressing key topics of the research project. These topics include transformations of the religious and spiritual landscapes, secularity and non-religion, inclusivity for minorities and faith groups, as well as social issues such as environmentalism and civic engagement. All estimates have been weighted to be representative of adult populations.
Canada, Pacific Northwest, Cascadia, Religion, Secular, Spirituality