A Graph-Transformation Modelling Framework for Supervisory Control
Benhamron, Jeremie
Thistle, John
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University of Waterloo
Formal design methodologies have the potential to accelerate the development and increase the
reliability of supervisory controllers designed within industry. One promising design framework
which has been shown to do so is known as supervisory control synthesis (SCS).
In SCS, instead of manually designing the supervisory controller itself, one designs models of
the uncontrolled system and its control requirements. These models are then provided as input to
a special synthesis algorithm which uses them to automatically generate a model of the supervisory
controller. This outputted model is guaranteed to be correct as long as the models of the uncontrolled
system and its control requirements are valid. This accelerates development by removing
the need to verify and rectify the model of the supervisory controller. Instead, only the models of
the uncontrolled system and its requirements must be validated.
To address problems of scale, SCS can be applied in modular fashion, and implemented in
hierarchical and decentralized architectures.
Despite the large body of research con rming the bene ts of integrating SCS within the development
process of supervisory controllers, it has still not yet found widespread application within
industry. In the author's opinion, this is partly attributed to the non-user-friendly nature of the
automaton-based modelling framework used create the models of the uncontrolled system (and
control requirements in even-based SCS). It is believed that in order for SCS to become more accessible
to a wider range of non experts, modelling within SCS must be made more intuitive and
To improve the usability of SCS, this work illustrates how a graph transformation-based modelling
approach can be employed to generate the automaton models required for supervisory control
synthesis. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how models of the speci cation can be intuitively represented
within our proposed modelling framework for both event- and state-based supervisory
control synthesis. Lastly, this thesis assesses the relative advantages brought about by the proposed
graph transformation-based modelling framework over the conventional automaton based modelling
Graph rewriting systems, Modelling discrete event systems, Supervisory control theory