Statistics for Also meine freundin sie kommt aus schwaben: Use of the German particle "also" in a study abroad context
Total visits
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Also meine freundin sie kommt aus schwaben: Use of the German particle "also" in a study abroad context | 105 |
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September 2024 | 0 |
October 2024 | 2 |
November 2024 | 0 |
December 2024 | 0 |
January 2025 | 1 |
February 2025 | 1 |
March 2025 | 0 |
File Visits
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Schirm_Ronald.pdf | 68 |
Schirm_Ronald.pdf(legacy) | 32 |
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United States | 34 |
Canada | 17 |
Germany | 15 |
Ireland | 10 |
Singapore | 6 |
Hong Kong SAR China | 5 |
Poland | 3 |
Kenya | 2 |
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Philippines | 2 |
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Indonesia | 1 |
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Montreal | 13 |
Frankfurt am Main | 11 |
Dublin | 10 |
Springfield | 8 |
Hong Kong | 5 |
Singapore | 5 |
Ashburn | 4 |
Prineville | 3 |
Sandston | 3 |
Davao City | 2 |
Forest City | 2 |
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Guelph | 2 |
Nairobi | 2 |
Azcapotzalco | 1 |
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Knoxville | 1 |
Mülheim | 1 |
San Jose | 1 |
Shanghai | 1 |
Toronto | 1 |
Victoria | 1 |
Vienna | 1 |
Warsaw | 1 |