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Hyperpfaffians in Algebraic Combinatorics

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Redelmeier, Daniel


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University of Waterloo


The pfaffian is a classical tool which can be regarded as a generalization of the determinant. The hyperpfaffian, which was introduced by Barvinok, generalizes the pfaffian to higher dimension. This was further developed by Luque, Thibon and Abdesselam. There are several non-equivalent definitions for the hyperpfaffian, which are discussed in the introduction of this thesis. Following this we examine the extension of the Matrix-Tree theorem to the Hyperpfaffian-Cactus theorem by Abdesselam, proving it without the use of the Grassman-Berezin Calculus and with the new terminology of the non-uniform hyperpfaffian. Next we look at the extension of pfaffian orientations for counting matchings on graphs to hyperpfaffian orientations for counting matchings on hypergraphs. Finally pfaffian rings and ideal s are extended to hyperpfaffian rings and ideals, but we show that under reason able assumptions the algebra with straightening law structure of these rings cannot be extended.



Mathematics, Hyperpfaffian, Pfaffian, Combinatorics

LC Subject Headings
