The Feasibility of Applying Pescatourism to the Small-scale Fisheries in Japan
Nayak, Prateep
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University of Waterloo
Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) often receive insufficient attention and are undervalued by governments and the public worldwide, including coastal areas in Japan. The small-scale fisheries communities in Japan face various problems such as ageing population, low income, and environmental degradation. In light of this, Pescatourism, a popular type of fishing tourism in Europe, has the potential to alleviate the vulnerabilities and adhere to the current sustainable regulations in Japan. Japan is also expanding its Umigyo industry, which enables fishers to engage in economic activities utilizing all regional marine-related resources. This initiative encourages SSF communities to develop their tourism industry as an element of Umigyo, providing tourists with an immersive experience of fishers’ lives in these communities, similar to Pescatourism. Thus, this study aims to explore the extent of the existence of SSF communities in Japan and the potential role of Pescatourism in addressing their vulnerability and creating governance arrangements for viability. Case studies, including literature reviews, observations, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) were conducted in five ports in Shizuoka Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture in Japan. There are gradually increasing SSF tourism markets supported by legislation, owing to the recognised economic, ecological, and social benefits from stakeholder cooperations in Japan. This study can help reflect Japan's efforts and attempts at achieving viability in SSF tourism and its adaptation to Pescatourism, with governance concerns.
Small-scale Fisheries, Pescatourism, Umigyo, interactive governance, vulnerability, viability