TCP Connection Management Mechanisms for Improving Internet Server Performance
Shukla, Amol
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University of Waterloo
This thesis investigates TCP connection management mechanisms in order to understand the behaviour and improve the performance of Internet servers during overload conditions such as flash crowds. We study several alternatives for implementing TCP connection establishment, reviewing approaches taken by existing TCP stacks as well as proposing new mechanisms to improve server throughput and reduce client response times under overload. We implement some of these connection establishment mechanisms in the Linux TCP stack and evaluate their performance in a variety of environments. We also evaluate the cost of supporting half-closed connections at the server and assess the impact of an abortive release of connections by clients on the throughput of an overloaded server. Our evaluation demonstrates that connection establishment mechanisms that eliminate the TCP-level retransmission of connection attempts by clients increase server throughput by up to 40% and reduce client response times by two orders of magnitude. Connection termination mechanisms that preclude support for half-closed connections additionally improve server throughput by up to 18%.
Computer Science, TCP, Server Performance, Flash Crowds, Web Servers, TCP Connection Management