Stabilization of Discrete-time Systems With Bounded Control Inputs
Jamak, Anes
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University of Waterloo
In this paper we examine the stabilization of LTI discrete-time systems with control input constraints in the form of saturation nonlinearities. This kind of constraint is usually introduced to simulate the effect of actuator limitations. Since global controllability can not be assumed in the presence of constrained control, the controllable regions and their characterizations are analyzed first. We present an efficient algorithm for finding controllable regions in terms of their boundary hyperplanes (inequality constraints). A previously open question about the exact number of irredundant boundary hyperplanes is also resolved here. The main result of this research is a time-optimal nonlinear controller which stabilizes the system on its controllable region. We give analgorithm for on-line computation of control which is also implementable for high-order systems. Simulation results show superior response even in the presence of disturbances.
Electrical & Computer Engineering, constrained control, saturation nonlinearity, nonlinear control, bounded control inputs, time-optimal control, discrete-time systems