Tight Multi-Target Security for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
Stebila, Douglas
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University of Waterloo
The use of symmetric encryption schemes requires that the communicating parties have
access to a shared secret key. A key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is a cryptographic
tool for the secure establishment of such a key. The KEMs most commonly used at this
time are vulnerable to adversaries with access to a large quantum computer. This project
concerns KEMs that are resistant to all known quantum attacks, such as lattice-based
A desirable property for any KEM is multi-target security, capturing the idea that
security does not degrade below the targeted level as the number of users of a protocol
or the amount of communication per user scales to a certain threshold. For schemes
based on prime-order groups, multi-ciphertext security can be trivially reduced to singleciphertext
security using self reducibility arguments, but these arguments are not available
for lattice-based schemes. Indeed, one of the alternates in NIST’s post-quantum cryptography
standardization project, FrodoKEM, was susceptible to simple attacks in the
multi-target setting.
The standard approach to building IND-CCA secure KEMs has been to start with an
IND-CPA secure public key encryption scheme (PKE) and apply the Fujisaki-Okamoto
transform (FO). In this paper, we introduce a new variant of the FO transform, called
the salted FO transform (SFO) which adds a uniformly random salt to the generation of
ciphertexts. We then show that the resulting KEM’s have much tighter security bounds
compared to their generic counterparts. We then apply our results to FrodoKEM to resolve
the aforementioned simple attacks.
Cryptography, Computer Science, MATHEMATICS::Applied mathematics::Theoretical computer science, MATHEMATICS::Other mathematics, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Lattice Cryptography