Generation and properties of random graphs and analysis of randomized algorithms

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Gao, Pu


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University of Waterloo


We study a new method of generating random $d$-regular graphs by repeatedly applying an operation called pegging. The pegging algorithm, which applies the pegging operation in each step, is a method of generating large random regular graphs beginning with small ones. We prove that the limiting joint distribution of the numbers of short cycles in the resulting graph is independent Poisson. We use the coupling method to bound the total variation distance between the joint distribution of short cycle counts and its limit and thereby show that $O(\epsilon^{-1})$ is an upper bound of the $\eps$-mixing time. The coupling involves two different, though quite similar, Markov chains that are not time-homogeneous. We also show that the $\epsilon$-mixing time is not $o(\epsilon^{-1})$. This demonstrates that the upper bound is essentially tight. We study also the connectivity of random $d$-regular graphs generated by the pegging algorithm. We show that these graphs are asymptotically almost surely $d$-connected for any even constant $d\ge 4$. The problem of orientation of random hypergraphs is motivated by the classical load balancing problem. Let $h>w>0$ be two fixed integers. Let $\orH$ be a hypergraph whose hyperedges are uniformly of size $h$. To {\em $w$-orient} a hyperedge, we assign exactly $w$ of its vertices positive signs with respect to this hyperedge, and the rest negative. A $(w,k)$-orientation of $\orH$ consists of a $w$-orientation of all hyperedges of $\orH$, such that each vertex receives at most $k$ positive signs from its incident hyperedges. When $k$ is large enough, we determine the threshold of the existence of a $(w,k)$-orientation of a random hypergraph. The $(w,k)$-orientation of hypergraphs is strongly related to a general version of the off-line load balancing problem. The other topic we discuss is computing the probability of induced subgraphs in a random regular graph. Let $0<s<n$ and $H$ be a graph on $s$ vertices. For any $S\subset [n]$ with $|S|=s$, we compute the probability that the subgraph of $\mathcal{G}_{n,d}$ induced by $S$ is $H$. The result holds for any $d=o(n^{1/3})$ and is further extended to $\mathcal{G}_{n,{\bf d}}$, the probability space of random graphs with given degree sequence $\bf d$. This result provides a basic tool for studying properties, for instance the existence or the counts, of certain types of induced subgraphs.



random graph, load balancing

LC Keywords
