Homomorphic Encryption

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Weir, Brandon


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University of Waterloo


In this thesis, we provide a summary of fully homomorphic encryption, and in particular, look at the BGV encryption scheme by Brakerski, Gentry, and Vaikuntanathan; as well the DGHV encryption scheme by van Dijk, Gentry, Halevi, and Vaikuntanathan. We explain the mechanisms developed by Gentry in his breakthrough work, and show examples of how they are used. While looking at the BGV encryption scheme, we make improvements to the underlying lemmas dealing with modulus switching and noise management, and show that the lemmas as currently stated are false. We then examine a lower bound on the hardness of the Learning With Errors lattice problem, and use this to develop specific parameters for the BGV encryption scheme at a variety of security levels. We then study the DGHV encryption scheme, and show how the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme can be implemented as both a fully homomorphic encryption scheme with bootstrapping, as well as a leveled fully homomorphic encryption scheme using the techniques from the BGV encryption scheme. We then extend the parameters from the optimized version of this scheme to higher security levels, and describe a more straightforward way of arriving at these parameters.



Homomorphic Encryption, Lattices, Cryptography, Learning With Errors

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