Reliable Transport Performance in Mobile Environments
McSweeney, Martin
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University of Waterloo
Expanding the global Internet to include mobile devices is an exciting area of current research. Because of the vast size of the Internet, and because the protocols in it are already widely deployed, mobile devices must inter-operate with those protocols. Although most of the incompatiblities with mobiles have been solved, the protocols that deliver data reliably, and that account for the majority of Internet traffic, perform very poorly. A change in location causes a disruption in traffic, and disruption is dealt with by algorithms tailored only for stationary hosts. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the predominant transport-layer protocol in the Internet. In this thesis, we look at the performance of TCP in mobile environments. We provide a complete explanation for poor performance; we conduct a large number of experiments, simulations, and analyses that prove and quantify poor performance;and we propose simple and scalable solutions that address the limitations.
Computer Science, Mobile IP, TCP, TCP performance, mobility, wireless, congestion control