Defining, Demanding, and Developing the Critical Thinker

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Emanuel, Tatiana


Buzza, Dawn
Nusca, Virginia

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University of Waterloo


This thesis examines critical thinking (CT) in education. Research includes a comprehensive literature review, focused on defining CT, understanding CT expectations in education, and expounding on how CT is best developed. To better support CT development and subsequent student achievement, a consensus should be reached regarding the definition of CT, and we consider prominent ideas of CT and its nature to offer a potential encompassing definition. This paper also includes analysis of a selection of Ontario‘s curriculum documents as well as a survey of professors teaching at universities across Ontario to identify CT promotion and expectations. CT is clearly valued in education, and is an important contributor to student achievement and academic success. However, our research demonstrates that explicit secondary school development of CT is often not sufficient considering the demands of higher education.


The Independent Studies program closed in 2016. This thesis was one of 25 accepted by Library for long-term preservation and presentation in UWSpace.


critical thinker, education, curriculum, Ontario secondary schools, curricuclum planning, mathematics curriculum, physics curriculum

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