Local Government Planning and Maintenance of Ecological Connectivity in a Fragmented Landscape

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Drescher, Michael

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University of Waterloo


With the continued loss of species and habitat together with the recognition that parks, and protected areas are insufficient to maintain biodiversity, the role of spatial planning to address land use change and account for ecological connectivity is becoming more significant. A well-connected system of natural areas is required to address the continued loss of biodiversity and to reduce threats to human well-being. The value of local governments in providing the spatial planning needed to reduce threats and protect natural areas and ecological connectivity is recognized. The need for a collaborative approach that engages multiple actors including all level of government and non-government organizations is required to implement policy direction on ecological connectivity effectively and efficiently. This dissertation explores the role of local government land use planning in the protection and maintenance of ecological connectivity through the control of land use change. As ecological connectivity crosses political boundaries, the coordination of local plans across the larger landscape is necessary for effective management of ecological connectivity. This case study research is placed within the Carolinian ecoregion in southwestern Ontario Canada, a recognized area of high biodiversity and intense development. My dissertation addressed three concerns, (1) the integration of ecological connectivity in local government land use plans; (2) factors that help or hinder the planning and maintaining ecological connectivity; and (3) how local governments interact with other actors in pursuit of ecological connectivity. This is done through three methods of investigation. First a qualitative content analysis of 16 Official Plans in the Carolinian ecoregion was undertaken. Second, 24 interviews were conducted with planning practitioners with thematic analysis applied to identify influential factors to the planning and maintenance of ecological connectivity. Third intended social interactions were examined in Official Plan policy and past interactions identified from the interviews. I found that ecological connectivity was consistently addressed in Official Plans through the identification of a natural heritage system, including linkages among natural areas. The policies were however inconsistently applied across the ecoregion with a notable variation between urban and rural areas in applying provincial direction. It was found that the integration of ecological connectivity in local government land use planning: is dependent upon clear and binding legislation from higher levels of government; benefits from an integrated policy framework; is addressed through site level development approvals and land stewardship initiatives; is less likely to be addressed across agricultural lands than urban areas; and lacks a coordinated approach across local government spatial boundaries. In the case study area, while some policy areas were readily integrated with ecological connectivity including water resources, parks and open space, and natural hazard lands, there was a lack of integration with climate change, green infrastructure and transportation polices. Through interviews with planning practitioners, key factor theme areas were identified including the physical landscape, environmental governance, land use planning practices, sharing information, and resources. The results show that while ecological connectivity is supported by legislation, addressed in policy, with implementation mechanisms recognized and applied, local government still struggles with a natural features focus, cross border coordination, land use planning practice limitations, justification of the need for ecological connectivity, public and political resistance, and a lack of capacity and funding. Both the interviews and Official Plan review contributed to the identification of actor interactions. I found that coordination across local government boundaries to accommodate the provincially legislated and delegated natural heritage system was not occurring. Planning practitioners interviewed did not see local government as leading but rather participating in collaborative actions. The main findings are a lack of provincial involvement, a large role to be played by Conservation Authorities, and a gap between policy and implementation. Collectively, this research advances our understanding of the role of local government land use planning in establishing and maintaining ecological connectivity through the control of land use change and management of the whole landscape involving nature conservation but also sectoral policies. Spatial land use planning has the potential to address ecological connectivity through a comprehensive multisectoral and collaborative approach. There are many limitations to local government land use planning to address ecological connectivity that will need to be addressed and this research contributes to the identification of issues as well as possible solutions to address those limitations.



ecological connectivity, local government, environmental planning

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