Static and Dynamic Modelling of Credit Default Risk: Tails, Moments, and Calibration

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Salmon-Bélisle, Louis-Étienne

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University of Waterloo


Credit risk modelling can take many different approaches. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses and studying a variety of them can help find new ways of performing credit risk analysis. We present here three different models, each classified either as static or dynamic, and structural or reduced-form. The static structural model from Lucas et al. (2000) helps us derive a moment behaviour theorem within the dynamic structural setting of Bush et al. (2011). For comparison, we also present the dynamic reduced-form model of Giesecke et al. (2012). A calibration exercise of the dynamic structural model is implemented and we study its performance through changing financial environment. This highlights the horse race between simplicity and efficiency of a model that still needs to be adequately addressed, as the results from the calibration show the difficulty of capturing the key financial environment’s aspects.



Credit default risk, Modelling, Calibration, Moments

LC Keywords
