On Spectral Properties of the Grounded Laplacian Matrix
Pirani, Mohammad
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University of Waterloo
Linear consensus and opinion dynamics in networks that contain stubborn agents are
studied in this thesis. Previous works have shown that the convergence rate of such dynam-
ics is given by the smallest eigenvalue of the grounded Laplacian induced by the stubborn
agents. Building on those works, we study the smallest eigenvalue of grounded Laplacian
matrices, and provide bounds on this eigenvalue in terms of the number of edges between
the grounded nodes and the rest of the network, bottlenecks in the network, and the small-
est component of the eigenvector for the smallest eigenvalue. We show that these bounds
are tight when the smallest eigenvector component is close to the largest component, and
provide graph-theoretic conditions that cause the smallest component to converge to the
largest component. An outcome of our analysis is a tight bound for Erdos-Renyi random
graphs and d-regular random graphs. Moreover, we de ne a new notion of centrality for
each node in the network based upon the smallest eigenvalue obtained by removing that
node from the network. We show that this centrality can deviate from other well known
centralities. Finally we interpret this centrality via the notion of absorption time in a
random walk on the graph.