Option Pricing and Hedging Analysis under Regime-switching Models

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Qiu, Chao


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University of Waterloo


This thesis explores option pricing and hedging in a discrete time regime-switching environment. If the regime risk cannot be hedged away, then we cannot ignore this risk and use the Black-Scholes pricing and hedging framework to generate a unique pricing and hedging measure. We develop a risk neutral pricing measure by applying an Esscher Transform to the real world asset price process, with the focus on the issue of incompleteness of the market. The Esscher transform turns out to be a convenient and effective tool for option pricing under the discrete time regime switching models. We apply the pricing measure to both single variate European options and multivariate options. To better understand the effect of the pricing method, we also compared the results with those generated from two other risk neutral methods: the Black-Scholes model, and the natural equivalent martingale method. We further investigate the difference in hedging associated with different pricing measures. This is of interest when the choice of pricing method is uncertain under regime switching models. We compare four hedging strategies: delta hedging for the three risk neutral pricing methods under study, and mean variance hedging. We also develop a more general tool of tail ordering for hedging analysis in a general incomplete market with the uncertainty of the risk neutral measures. As a result of the analysis, we propose that pricing and hedging using the Esscher transform may be an effective strategy for a market where the regime switching process brings uncertainty.



Regime switching, Esscher Transform

LC Keywords
