Ring Resonators for Integrated Optics Applications

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Gad, Michael


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University of Waterloo


Integrated ring resonators have attracted a considerable interest in optical communications because of their small size and wide range of applicability. Here we consider several aspects of these devices, beginning with a tunable hybrid ring resonators consisting of a silicon over insulator (SOI) ring covered with a polymer layer in a variable electric field. Varying the field changes the polymer refractive index and consequently the resonance condition of the cavity. This device offers a large degree of optical confinement together with a high modulation speed. Subsequently, we design and present fabrication results for a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) multiplexer/demultiplexer formed from a series of ring resonators with two channels separated by 50 GHz each that is predicted to exhibit a free spectral range (FSR) of 100 GHz , signal dispersion less than 30 ps/nm and a signal cross-talk less than -23 dB. Finally, we analyze the application of the coupled ring waveguide circuit to rotation sensors based on the Sagnac phase shift. Here, however our analysis indicates that a single ring, of the same area exhibits a higher degree of sensitivity to rotational motion than a multiple ring circuit.



Ring Resonators, Inttegrated Optics, WDM, Gyroscope

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