A Study of the Mobility of Silver Ions in Chitosan Membranes

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Lin, Elaine Yi-Hua


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University of Waterloo


Chitosan membrane has found applications in biomedical, wastewater treatment, and petrochemical fields that involve the use of silver ions (Ag+). However, mobility of Ag+ in chitosan membranes has seldom been studied. In this study, transport properties of Ag+ in chitosan membranes are studied in-depth, to determine diffusivity coefficient, permeability coefficient, and sorption uptake of Ag+ in chitosan. All parameters are evaluated based on the influence of feed concentration, membrane thickness and operating temperature. The diffusivity is determined from the time lag obtained from transient diffusion experiments. The permeability is determined from the steady state of permeation experimentally. The diffusivity and corresponding permeability coefficients of Ag+ in chitosan range from to 2.0 10-7 (cm2/s) and from 6.6 10-8 to 2.0 10-7 {mol m/[m2 s (mol/L)]}, respectively, over the conditions tested. Temperature dependencies of these two parameters are found to follow the Arrhenius relationship. Sorption uptake of the silver salt in chitosan correlates well with the Langmuir isotherm. Also determined from the sorption tests are degree of membrane swelling at different concentrations. This information allows diffusivity coefficients to be determined from the steady state permeation rate. These values of diffusivity are compared with that obtained using the time lag method.



chitosan, membrane, diffusivity, permeability, sorption uptake, time lag, silver nitrate, swelling

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