Nitroxide-mediated controlled degradation of polypropylene

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Psarreas, Alexandros

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University of Waterloo


Nitroxide-mediated Controlled Degradation of Polypropylene <br /> Controlled-rheology polypropylene resins (CRPP) have been produced industrially for years using reactive extrusion processes employing peroxides as free radical initiators. The molecular weight characteristics of CRPP materials can be tailor-made depending on the final application in a very efficient and economic manner. <br /><br /> A PP-based nitroxide (NOR) with the trade name Irgatec CR76 has been recently developed by CIBA Chemicals, as a source of radicals and it is currently being evaluated for the production of CRPP. NORs are well-known as powerful stabilizers to protect plastics from the negative influence of light and heat, and easy in handling during processing. Preliminary experimental results exhibit a qualitative difference between Irgatec CR76 and other commonly used peroxides. <br /><br /> The purpose of this research work is to evaluate this new material as a potential replacement of commonly used peroxides in the production of CRPP. CRPP will be produced by reactive processing using varying amounts of Irgatec CR76 and the rheological properties of the materials produced will be investigated. By comparing results with Irgatec CR76 to those from other typical initiators, the effectiveness of Irgatec CR76 as an initiator will also be assessed. <br /><br /> The results of this research will have an impact not only on the potential extension of uses of the specific PP-based NOR (Irgatec CR76), but also, more generally, on the wider application of additives during degradation of PP. Potentially new materials can be produced with enhanced heat and light protection along with the other benefits inherent to standard CRPP.



Chemical Engineering, nitroxide, degradation of polypropylene, degradation, polypropylene

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