An Integrated Behavior and Demand-Oriented Methodology for Quality of Service Evaluation of Bicycle Infrastructure

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Kim, Tori


Fu, Liping
Casello, Jeff

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University of Waterloo


Cycling is a viable mode of transport, and its mode share is consistently growing in many parts of the globe. However, many existing infrastructures still lack the safety and convenience that cyclists of all levels of experience desire. As well, several methodologies exist that can be applied to assess the quality of service of individual road segments for cycling, but it is still unclear how to translate that information into one at a route-level or a network-level. Without this process, the quality of service (QOS) of a cycling infrastructure cannot be fully assessed, and projects for improving the cycling infrastructure may not produce optimal results. A systematic approach of evaluating bicycle networks in terms of safety and connectivity is required for engineers and planners to determine their adequacy and suitability for cycling experiences. After a review of existing assessment methodologies, this study proposes a systematic network-level evaluation methodology that consists of an integrated link-level QOS model, a behavior-based route-level QOS model, and a demand-oriented network-level QOS model. Firstly, the link-level QOS model integrates the existing analysis methodologies of bicycle compatibility index and bicycle level of service in a way to address their limitations and weaknesses. Secondly, the route-level QOS model incorporates how cyclists would form their overall perception and experience of a cycling route based on ones from its individual components, that is, the road segments. The proposed model allows for future calibration and further development when a stronger understanding of cyclist behavior is achieved. Thirdly, the network-level QOS model outputs zone-level QOS scores as well as a single network-level QOS score by weighing the various route-level QOS scores by the corresponding level of demand. Two case studies on how the proposed methodology can be applied on a single route as well as for an entire network are provided with data from the City of Kitchener. The goal is to illustrate how the proposed methodology may help in evaluating alternative cycling infrastructure improvement projects. For example, the optimal link to improve may be the one that produces not just the greatest improvement, but the greatest improvement relative to the cost. The methodology can also help in determining the effects of a hypothetical change in travel demand following infrastructure improvements. For example, the overall zone-level and network-level QOS would be affected the most positively if some improvements were made on routes or links with a high cycling demand. On the other hand, if cycling demand unexpectedly increases along corridors or links of low QOS, the overall zone-level and network-level QOS would decrease.



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