Edge State Transfer

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Chen, Qiuting


Godsil, Chris

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University of Waterloo


Let G be a graph and let t be a positive real number. Then the evolution of the continuous quantum walk defined on G is described by the transition matrix U(t)=exp(itH).The matrix H is called Hamiltonian. So far the most studied quantum walks are the ones whose Hamiltonians are the adjacency matrices of the underlying graphs and initial states are vertex states e_a, with e_a being the characteristic vector of vertex a. This thesis focuses on Laplacian edge state transfer, that is, the quantum walks whose initial states are edge states e_a-e_b and Hamiltonians are the Laplacians of the underlying graphs. So far the research about perfect state transfer only involves vertex states and Laplacian edge state transfer has not been studied before. We extend the known results of perfect vertex state transfer and periodicity of vertex states to Laplacian edge state transfer. We prove two useful closure properties for perfect Laplacian edge state transfer. One is that complementation preserves perfect edge state transfer. The other is that if G has perfect Laplacian edge state transfer at time τ and H has perfect Laplacian vertex state transfer also at time τ, then with some mild assumption on the pairs of vertex states and edge states that have perfect state transfer, the Cartesian product G □ H also admits perfect edge state transfer. Those two properties provide us new ways to construct graphs with perfect Laplacian edge state transfer. We also observe one phenomenon that happens in Laplacian edge state transfer which never happens in vertex state transfer: if there is perfect state transfer from e_a-e_b to e_α-e_β and also from e_b-e_c to e_β-e_γ at the same time t in G, then G admits perfect state transfer from e_a-e_c to e_α-e_γ at time t. We give characterizations of perfect Laplacian edge state transfer in cycles, paths and complete bipartite graphs K_{2,4n}. We study perfect state transfer and periodicity on edge states with special spectral features. We also consider the case when the unsigned Laplacian is Hamiltonian and initial states are plus states of the form e_a+e_b. In this case, we characterize perfect state transfer in paths, cycles and bipartite graphs. We close this thesis by a list of open questions.



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