Conical Designs and Categorical Jordan Algebraic Post-Quantum Theories

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Graydon, Matthew


Spekkens, Robert
Resch, Kevin

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University of Waterloo


Physical theories can be characterized in terms of their state spaces and their evolutive equations. The kinematical structure and the dynamical structure of finite dimensional quantum theory are, in light of the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism, one and the same --- namely the homogeneous self-dual cones of positive semi-definite linear endomorphisms on finite dimensional complex Hilbert spaces. From the perspective of category theory, these cones are the sets of morphisms in finite dimensional quantum theory as a dagger compact closed category. Understanding the intricate geometry of these cones and charting the wider landscape for their host category is imperative for foundational physics. In Part I of this thesis, we study the shape of finite dimensional quantum theory in terms of quantum information. We introduce novel geometric structures inscribed within quantum cones: conical t-designs. Conical t-designs are a natural, strictly inclusive generalization of complex projective t-designs. We prove that symmetric informationally complete measurements of arbitrary rank (SIMs), and full sets of mutually unbiased measurements of arbitrary rank (MUMs) are conical 2-designs. SIMs and MUMs correspond to highly symmetric polytopes within the Bloch body. The same holds for the entire class of homogeneous conical 2-designs; moreover, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a Bloch polytope to represent a homogeneous conical 2-design. Furthermore, we show that infinite families of such designs exist in all finite dimensions. It turns out that conical 2-designs are naturally adapted to a geometric description of bipartite entanglement. We prove that a quantum measurement is a conical 2-design if and only if there exists a (regular) entanglement monotone whose restriction to pure states is a function of the norm of the probability vector over the outcomes of the bipartite measurement formed from its tensor products. In that case the concurrence is such a monotone. In addition to monotones, we formulate entanglement witnesses in terms of geometric conditions on the aforementioned conical 2-design probabilities. In Part II of this thesis, we move beyond quantum theory within the vein of Euclidean Jordan algebras (EJAs). In light of the Koecher-Vinberg theorem, the positive cones of EJAs are the only homogeneous self-dual cones to be found in a finite dimensional setting. We consider physical theories based on EJAs subject to nonsignaling axioms regarding their compositional structure. We prove that any such Jordanic composite is a Jordan ideal of Hanche-Olsen's universal tensor product. Consequently, no Jordanic composite exists having the exceptional Jordan algebra as a direct summand, nor does any such composite exist if either factor is exceptional. So we focus on special EJAs of self-adjoint matrices over the real, complex, and quaternionic division rings. We demonstrate that these can be organized in a natural way as a symmetric monoidal category, albeit one that is not compact closed. We then construct a related category InvQM of embedded EJAs, having fewer objects but more morphisms, that is dagger compact closed. This category unifies finite dimensional real, complex and quaternionic quantum theories, except that the composite of two complex quantum systems comes with an extra classical bit. Our notion of composite requires neither tomographic locality, nor preservation of purity under monoidal products. The categories we construct include examples in which both of these conditions fail. Our unification cannot be extended to include any finite dimensional spin factors (save the rebit, qubit, and quabit) without destroying compact closure.



Quantum Foundations, Quantum Information, 2-designs, SICs, MUBs, entanglement, Jordan algebras, homogeneous self-dual cones, category theory, quantum, post-quantum

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