Ultrafast manipulation of single photons using dispersion and sum-frequency generation

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Donohue, John Matthew


Resch, Kevin

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University of Waterloo


Single photons provide a natural platform for quantum communication and quantum networking, as they can be entangled in many degrees of freedom and maintain coherence over long-distance links. However, while their minimal interactions with the environment isolate them from detrimental noise, it can make them difficult to measure and manipulate. In particular, manipulation on the ultrafast timescale is necessary to fully exploit the energy-time (or spectral) photonic degree of freedom. Full control over the spectral properties of single photons is key to many quantum technologies and opens the door to natural high-dimensional quantum encodings. In this thesis, we theoretically and experimentally examine the use of nonlinear optical processes mediated by strong laser pulses as a method to control the spectral properties of ultrafast single photons. By mixing single-photon pulses with strong escort pulses that have been shaped through dispersion in a nonlinear crystal, the shape of the escort is imprinted on the photon, resulting in a custom-tailored upconverted pulse. We theoretically examine this process for quadratic spectral phases and show that it has the potential to be simultaneously effective and efficient for the customization of single-photon spectral waveforms, and can be performed in an entanglement-conserving manner. We then experimentally demonstrate the range of this technique through three applications. First, we show that sum-frequency generation with shaped pulses can be used to coherently measure time-bin encoded photons with bin separations on the order of picoseconds, well below the timing resolution of our detectors. Secondly, we show that this technique can be adapted to convert a train of pulses to a frequency comb, which can be read out in a straightforward manner using diffraction-based spectrometry. We also show here that this process can be performed in a polarization-maintaining fashion, and demonstrate that entanglement with a partner photon is conserved with high fidelity. Finally, we show that this process can be viewed as a time lens, which modulates a temporal waveform in an analogous fashion to a lens focusing a beam of light. We apply the time lens to a photon from an energy-time entangled pair, and show negative magnification of the joint spectrum through a reversal of the spectral correlations. Such processes could find application in quantum state engineering and high-speed single-photon measurement.



Quantum optics, Ultrafast optics, Nonlinear optics, Optics, Photonics

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