Liu, Yu-Ru2023-10-032023-10-032006-08 article is made available through Elsevier's open archive. This article is available here: © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Let E/Q be an elliptic curve. For a prime p of good reduction, let E(Fp) be the set of rational points defined over the finite field Fp. We denote by ω(#E(Fp)), the number of distinct prime divisors of #E(Fp). We prove that the quantity (assuming the GRH if E is non-CM) ω(#E(Fp)) − log logp √log logp distributes normally. This result can be viewed as a “prime analogue” of the Erdos–Kac theorem. We also study the normal distribution of the number of distinct prime factors of the exponent of E(Fp).enprime divisorsrational pointselliptic curvesPrime analogues of the Erdős–Kac theorem for elliptic curvesArticle