Traore, Yannick L.Fumakia, MiralGu, JijinHo, Emmanuel A.2018-05-092018-05-092018-03-01, Y. L., Fumakia, M., Gu, J., & Ho, E. A. Dynamic mechanical behaviour of nanoparticle loaded biodegradable PVA films for vaginal drug delivery, Journal of Biomaterials Applications 32(8) pp. 1119–1126. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. this study, we investigated the viscoelastic and mechanical behaviour of polyvinyl alcohol films formulated along with carrageenan, plasticizing agents (polyethylene glycol and glycerol), and when loaded with nanoparticles as a model for potential applications as microbicides. The storage modulus, loss modulus and glass transition temperature were determined using a dynamic mechanical analyzer. Films fabricated from 2% to 5% polyvinyl alcohol containing 3 mg or 5 mg of fluorescently labeled nanoparticles were evaluated. The storage modulus and loss modulus values of blank films were shown to be higher than the nanoparticle-loaded films. Glass transition temperature determined using the storage modulus, and loss modulus was between 40–50℃ and 35–40℃, respectively. The tensile properties evaluated showed that 2% polyvinyl alcohol films were more elastic but less resistant to breaking compared to 5% polyvinyl alcohol films (2% films break around 1 N load and 5% films break around 7 N load). To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the influence of nanoparticle and film composition on the physico-mechanical properties of polymeric films for vaginal drug delivery.enPoly (vinyl alcohol)nanoparticlesdynamic mechanical analysismodulusglass transition temperaturethermal stabilityDynamic mechanical behaviour of nanoparticle loaded biodegradable PVA films for vaginal drug deliveryArticle