Aljohani, Randa2009-01-162009-01-162009-01-162008-12-12 support real-time applications, we present a Measurement-based Admission Control (MBAC) scheme with Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF) scheduling algorithm. The objective of the admission control scheme is to admit new real-time application call into the system without jeopardizing the maximum average packet delay bound. Measured values of the average packet delay from the network are used for the admission decision. As long as a new call can obtain the requested service and the packet delay of existing calls are not risked by admitting it, the new call will be accepted into the network. In addition, M-LWDF scheduling algorithm is introduced to efficiently allocate network resource. Simulation results show that the proposed MBAC scheme maintains good packet delay bound.enMeasurement-based Admission Control for Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area NetworkMaster ThesisElectrical and Computer Engineering