Chuapetcharasopon, Pylin2011-06-222011-06-222011-06-222011 ideology promotes the concept of a “cultural mosaic,” which encourages groups to maintain their unique cultural heritage in a pluralistic society. However, despite being a popular metaphor, to date, there are only two academic articles on the concept (Chao & Moon, 2005; Eilam, 1999), and the extent to which the cultural mosaic truly represents the Canadian society is undocumented. Furthermore, the challenge facing multicultural organizations is achieving a balance among cultures in the workplace that benefits both individuals and their organizations. To address this challenge for the workplace and work groups, I developed and explored the concept of the Cultural Mosaic—defined as a multicultural work group in which members’ distinct cultural heritages, values, and practices are mutually recognized and accepted by the group, and are leveraged in the group’s activities—and created the Cultural Mosaic Scale (CMS) to measure the construct. In three studies, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to determine the factor structure of the CMS, and convergent and discriminant validity were demonstrated. The final components that make up the Cultural Mosaic are “Group Diversity,” “Culture Acceptance/Expression,” and “Culture Utilization.” Finally, limitations, future directions, and practical implications are discussed.enmulticulturalismwork groupscultural mosaicscale developmentCultural Mosaic Scale Development: A New Approach to Multicultural Work GroupsMaster ThesisPsychology