Haxell, PennyNarins, Lothar2020-07-072020-07-072018-04-02https://doi.org/10.1017/s0963548318000147http://hdl.handle.net/10012/16045It follows from known results that every regular tripartite hypergraph of positive degree, with n vertices in each class, has matching number at least n/2. This bound is best possible, and the extremal configuration is unique. Here we prove a stability version of this statement, establishing that every regular tripartite hypergraph with matching number at most (1 + ϵ)n/2 is close in structure to the extremal configuration, where ‘closeness’ is measured by an explicit function of ϵ.enhypergraphsA Stability Theorem for Matchings in Tripartite 3-GraphsArticle