Boisselle, Jason2014-08-272014-08-272014-08-272014 teleportation allows to transmit quantum information using classical information and entanglement only. Port-based teleportation is a variation of this procedure that involves simpler recovery operations to obtain the transmitted quantum information. This provides significant advantages in different applications such as instantaneous non-local computation. We study port-based teleportation for continuous variable systems. We connect this problem to hypothesis testing, generalizing a result already known for finite-dimensional systems. Similarly, we present a relation between entanglement fidelity and average fidelity valid for both finite and infinite-dimensional systems. Finally, we present a protocol that reduces port-based teleportation for infinite-dimensional systems to port-based teleportation of finite-dimensional systems which allows us to show that the former task is, at least in principle, possible with a finite amount of resources.enTeleportationPort-based teleportationGaussian statesQuantum opticsPort-based teleportation of continuous quantum variablesMaster ThesisApplied Mathematics (Quantum Information)