Hergott, Samantha2020-09-302020-09-302020-09-302020-09-28http://hdl.handle.net/10012/16411Theories that stand the test of constant bombardment of new (and old) ideas, observations and unexplained phenomena are hard to come by. Despite countless attempts over many years of trying, cosmology and gravitational theories are of those lacking in a full unified description. A tachyacoustic model of the thermal big bang has been proposed which has a remarkable prediction for the scalar index parameter of primordial fluctuations. In this work we provide a brief review of the motivations leading up to this tachyacoustice big bang model as well as review problems with dark energy and quantum black holes and proposed solutions. In this thesis, we tie these ideas together by finding black hole solutions of the underlying tachyacoustic theory. This also leads to an explanation for current cosmic acceleration, resulting in a three-in-one unified potential model of big bang, black holes, and dark energy.enblack holesbig bangbimetric varying speed of lightdark energyquantum black holefirewallUnifying Thermal Big Bang and Black HolesMaster Thesis