Wang, Zimeng2017-11-212017-11-212017-11-212017 a demand from developing nanotechnology and quantum information technology based on mesoscopic material, quantum sensors with better spatial resolution and sensitivity are required. However, few material meets the requirements of nanoscale sensors including stability and small size. Single spin of Nitrogen-Vacancy(NV) centers in diamond crystal is one kind of the ideal quantum sensors for magnetometry that has been investigated in recent years. It provides a potential way to study the dynamics in a mesoscopic system with high sensitivity at room temperature. This thesis proposes a theoretical method to realize spin interaction detection based on NV centers on an atomic force-microscopy(AFM) tip. To realize this method, a robust control on NV centers and target electron spins at zero magnetic field is necessary. A pulse control technique for NV centers is proposed to realize transitions between two degenerate states at zero magnetic field, which is an important part of the sensing method. The key to realizing this transition is a circularly polarized microwave pulse generated by two parallel wires. Combined with optimal control techniques, this pulse can achieve a gate fidelity over 99.95% theoretically.enQuantum SensorsNitrogen Vacancy CenterState-selective transitionProbing Surface Spin Interaction Dynamics using Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Quantum Sensors with High-Fidelity State-Selective Transition ControlMaster Thesis