Hitchens, AlisonBèlanger, Annie2017-07-062017-07-062017-04-03https://www.cni.org/topics/assessment/bibliometrics-and-research-impact-at-university-of-waterloo-an-exciting-campus-partnershiphttp://hdl.handle.net/10012/12050In 2012, the Bibliometrics Working Group at the University of Waterloo, composed of the Library, the Office of Research, Institutional Analysis and Planning (IAP) and faculty representatives, began its work. In 2015, a new campus position was created, Bibliometrics and Research Impact Librarian, and the white paper “Measuring Research Outputs through Bibliometrics” was released. This specialist librarian also supports the Ranking Working Group and the Research Impact Working Group and is responsible for bibliometrics education across campus for our students and faculty. This Librarian has also been working to create a North American community of practice for bibliometrics work. This project briefing will highlight this campus partnership, lessons learned so far, and questions for future directions and infrastructure requirements for support. Additionally, we will explore possible connections between bibliometrics work, citation analysis and evidence-based collection development practices for a research-intensive University.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalBibliometricsCampus PartnershipResearch ImpactBibliometrics and Research Impact at University of Waterloo: An Exciting Campus PartnershipConference Presentation