Coskun, Altay2023-05-032023-05-032021-08-01 states that Caesar withdrew Armenia from Deiotaros, Cassius Dio has him cede a part to Ariobarzanes and the Bellum Alexandrinum (66.5) implies that Armenia Minor was given (perhaps partly) to Ariobarzanes III’s brother Ariarathes (X). A clear understanding of the events of 47 BC will be based on the premise that Pontos denoted the western or central territories of Mithradates Eupator and Armenia its extensions east of the Halys or perhaps rather the Iris. Accordingly, Pompey called Deiotaros’ eastern kingdom Armenia Minor. This name was limited to the area south of the Lykos, when Caesar attached this part to Kappadokia (cf. Strabo, Geogr. 12.3.1-29).deArmenia MinorKappadokiaPontosCaeserPompeyDeiotarosAriobarzanes IIIAriarathes Ximperialist rhetoricDie Teilung ‚Armeniens‘ durch Caesar und die Entstehung ‚Kleinarmeniens‘(‘The Division of “Armenia” by Caesar and the Creation of “Armenia Minor”’)Article