Gordon, Shannon2017-06-212017-06-212010https://doi.org/10.1108/03074801011089314http://hdl.handle.net/10012/12033The definitive version of Once you get them, how do you keep them? Millennial librarians at work was published by Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com in New Library World, Vol. 111 Issue: 9/10, (2010) https://doi.org/10.1108/03074801011089314Purpose: To draw attention to the unique characteristics of Millennial librarians. These characteristics are related to larger issues having current and future relevance to Millennial librarians, colleagues of other generations, as well as library administration. Design/methodology/approach: This paper explores training, leadership and work-life balance in relation to Millennial librarians. Findings: Certain defining characteristics of the Millennial generation need to be recognized and discussed by library administration and librarians of all generations. Practical implications: Surveying the literature related to Millennial librarians’ possible implications can assist in creating increased awareness of this group. Originality/value: Much research focuses on engaging and teaching Millennials as library users. Infrequently discussed, however, is the concept of Millennials as librarians and this paper attempts to fill this gap.enLibrariansWorkplace trainingHuman resource managementJobsRecruitmentCanadaOnce you get them, how do you keep them? Millennial librarians at workArticle