Skanes-Norman, Joshua2021-05-272021-05-272021-05-272021-05-25 this thesis, we are concerned with the problem of characterizing noise associated with implementations of quantum circuits. We first explore the notion of error rates of quantum circuits and argue that the semantic distinction between process fidelity as “average error rate” and diamond distance as “worst-case error rate” is wrong. To this end, we analyze their worst-case and average analogies, and show they are proportional to their original measures. We show that the non-unital contributions to the diamond distance are negligible and the discrepancy between the process fidelity and diamond distance is primarily due to unitary errors. We then turn to a new analysis of cycle benchmarking, a randomized benchmarking-like protocol to estimate the process fidelity of a cycle as engineered by randomized compiling. Using this approach, we prove that gate-dependent noise on the randomized gates is de- scribed by a single perturbation term that decays rapidly as long as the implementation is close to a representation. We also comment on how the protocol can be extended to qudits, what the cycle benchmarking decay actually measures, and how our analysis is amenable to the Fourier analysis of randomized benchmarking. We end with a discussion of how the gate-dependent cycle benchmarking process fidelity relates to gate-dependent randomized compiling.enOn Realistic Errors in Quantum ComputersMaster Thesis