Christelis, Angela2006-08-222006-08-2220052005 this paper the concept of a ?human right? is analysed and clarified. Some justifications for human rights ? such as natural rights theory, contractarianism, utilitarianism and rights as vital interests ? are explored with respect to their emphasis on rights as protected choices or protected interests. Finally, a vital interests view is defended in which the rights to subsistence, security, and liberty of movement and political participation form the set of our basic rights without which we cannot enjoy our other rights.application/pdf327946 bytesapplication/pdfenCopyright: 2005, Christelis, Angela. All rights reserved.PhilosophyHuman rightsnatural rightscontractarianismutilitarianismvital interestsbasic rightsExploring the Justifications for Human RightsMaster Thesis