Qin, Zheng2006-08-222006-08-2220042004http://hdl.handle.net/10012/1209Modern graphics accelerators have embedded programmable components in the form of vertex and fragment shading units. Current APIs permit specification of the programs for these components using an assembly-language level interface. Compilers for high-level shading languages are available but these read in an external string specification, which can be inconvenient. It is possible, using standard C++, to define an embedded high-level shading language. Such a language can be nearly indistinguishable from a special-purpose shading language, yet permits more direct interaction with the specification of textures and parameters, simplifies implementation, and enables on-the-fly generation, manipulation, and specification of shader programs. An embedded shading language also permits the lifting of C++ host language type, modularity, and scoping constructs into the shading language without any additional implementation effort.application/pdf1223218 bytesapplication/pdfenCopyright: 2004, Qin, Zheng. All rights reserved.Computer ScienceShadingGPUShading Languageshadervertex shaderfragment shaderAn Embedded Shading LanguageMaster Thesis